The Editor
I'm the guy who usually dumps all the music. Here's a brief history leading up to my reasoning for founding this blog:
When I got really big into music, I found a lot of these music blogs which were doing some really great things. They were making available to me a whole new world of underground music I had never heard of! If I hadn't found these sites, it would've taken me much more time to discover the plethora of new artists I had found. I figured it was time to give back after the years of help I had received. I tried making a music blog but the format I had wasn't working for me. Now I'm back and with a couple of friends, I'm ready to give and produce some great content!So that's basically it. My philosophy is that everyone should have tons of music made available to them just in general.
I'm one of the editorial review folks! Here's a bit of information on myself and why I'm here:
I grew up going through life changing metamorphoses and I still am. Along the way, a sort of catalyst for these rapid and exponential changes was of course music. Not coming from a musical background and not being led in any serious life direction, I didn't discover my intense passion for it for a long time. It was a dormant thing in my mind but the more time I spent with earbuds lodged in my head, it eventually hit me and hard. My interest had sparked and I was quickly caught up in the many theoretical and instrumental ideals. I've made a lot of progress but as always, perfection is a long way to go. Currently in college for writing, I know now where I want my life to go. Music, however, will never leave my side.