
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Macho Muchacho

Macho Muchacho hails from Guayaquil, Ecuador. When I first heard these guys, I had figured that they were an older band because their sound and production fit in with the older crowd of greats such as Rodan, Slint, or Tortoise. Unlike those guys, these guys absolutely shred at mach speeds like constantly and are absolute monsters when it comes to using looper pedals. This short but sweet record is definitely worth a listen!

Eme Eme (2012)

  1. Justicia Para Guido
  2. Fugados
  3. Nunca Me Gustó Salinas
  4. Los E.E.U.U. Miran con Atención los Resultados de la Consulta Popular
Visit their Bandcamp!

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